Ixtapa Pacific MÉXICO
As tuas próximas férias
Um refúgio familiar na solarenga costa do Pacífico do México
O Village Ixtapa Pacific inspira-se na arquitectura elegante da tradição espanhola: uma hacienda dos anos 40 revisitada, com as suas arcadas, colunas e pérgolas.
Depois da descoberta do jardim interior ou do Salon des Astres, os pais podem praticar o seu desporto preferido ou visitar a aldeia de pescadores de Zihuatanejo*, enquanto os mais pequenos desfrutam dos espaços e dos equipamentos que lhes estão reservados.
As melhores razões para ir
Destino premiado
Você está aqui
Descubra Zihuatanejo, um dos "lugares para visitar" do New York Times em 2022 por seu charme único
Maravilhas da vida selvagem
Observe a diversidade da vida selvagem do México, com golfinhos, tartarugas marinhas, papagaios e iguanas
Espírito do autêntico México
Imersão local
Mergulhe no coração vibrante da cultura mexicana em noites festivas e degustações de mezcal.
Um tour gastronômico pelo México
Descubra os sabores do México com uma seleção de pratos locais autênticos nos churrascos à beira-mar
O quarto perfeito para a sua estadia
Opiniões de quem já nos visitou
Easy get away from San Francisco with a direct flight
Great beach couches
Wonderful advanced tennis drills with fun and competent pros
Super weather
Lori S
Awesome Active Holiday
The staff and the activities made this Club Med visit an amazing holiday. We did so much!! Special thanks to Hector at reception who solved our 2 biggest concerns. Keeping our young adults engaged and having fun, and helping us include our special needs son in activities. Hector was a game changer to our holiday happiness.
We played tennis/pickleball daily with the awesome coaches- Jorge, Dylan & Lucas. So fun! Unless you are an advanced player you can just use the resort’s raquets. Unlike most resorts their racquets and balls were decent quality and available all day. Yoga with Yuki- outstanding. Water aerobics with Gerardo and Bruno. Fun! Soccer, beach volleyball, sailing, paddle boarding. Very fun!
We found the food surprisingly good. We had a couple nights at the Miramar which was good but our group also really enjoyed the food in the main restaurant. I ate way too much ice cream but they kept changing flavours and I had to try them all! The rooms are dated and only the family ones have balconies- but we were only in our rooms to sleep and change so it wasn’t a big deal. The rooms were very clean which is my biggest thing.
We saw turtles released 3 evenings which was amazing. The pool was crystal clear. Warm pool. Warm ocean water. Unbelievable beach and sunset.
As mentioned the staff makes this place. Everyone smiles and are so helpful. Special shout out to bar manager Joy who not only replaced my wrist band between bar managing and getting ready to do a show but found me in the audience to give it to me. Really didn’t expect that!
This resort is set up for young kids. If you hate kids- not the place for you. If you sit in your room a lot -the air conditioning is fabulous and it will be clean but it is dated. If you are a snobby foodie- probably not the place for you.
Sahana B
We love Club Med Ixtapa and the Circus Team
This is our 3rd year in a row going to Club Med Ixtapa. I can't imagine a better place! The staff is wonderful and friendly, the beach is amazing, and the vibe is relaxed.
Every year my kids and I do trapeze. This year the circus crew was the BEST EVER! Chucho, Pablo, Holly, Edgar, and Ceci work so well together, teach in a fun and disciplined manner, and really make trapeze and the circus experience accessible to all who want to partake.
We will definitely be going back next year to continue growing friendships, learning new things, and relaxing in Ixtapa.
Not Your Average All-Inclusive Guy
When our family travels we pick a locale rent a vacation home, book flights and rent a car. We explore the area and find our own adventures. Our trip to Club Med Ixtapa was definitely a departure from that and I could not be more pleased.
The hospitality was nothing I have ever experienced before. I can't remember staying at a hotel or resort and meeting the GM. I saw Daniel every single day and it was true pleasure. I spent so much time at the sailing shack that the group of guys knew me by name and where on the verge or memorizing my room number to check out the catamarans.
At the outset I was a little hesitant of the theme nights, but I enjoyed them so much and the staff really made it special. I can't believe how hard they work and seem to have to so much fun at the same time. As mentioned we usually are taking care of ourselves on vacation it was so nice having Club Med take care of us.
I did take the opportunity to explore just a little bit...it is in my nature. I rented a bike from the excursion desk and did a round trip 25 miles from the resort to Zihuatanejo via Ixtapa. The route was on a bike trail that is a true national treasure.
Furthermore, my daughter had so much fun at the Teen's club that she wants to go back and work there. All in all I recommend this for any family looking to recharge your batteries and enjoy some time in the sun.
Informações Práticas
Juntos em Segurança.
O Club Med implementou novas medidas de higiene e segurança para lhe oferecer paz de espírito e uma experiência muito alegre.
Como parte da luta contra o Covid-19, as medidas sanitárias nas fronteiras são reforçadas e podem exigir, em particular, um teste de despistagem virológica (por exemplo, teste PCR) dependendo do seu país de origem, trânsito ou destino antes da sua partida e/ou antes do seu regresso.
Convidamo-lo a obter informações dos serviços consulares dos países em questão ou no sítio web do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros correspondente à sua nacionalidade e/ou local de residência.
Vacinas, tratamentos para as doenças...
Verifique as formalidades a efectuar obrigatoriamente antes da sua partida.
Vacinas recomendadas:
Hepatite A e B
Febre tifóide
Presença de um enfermeiro no Village.
Algumas doenças parasitárias ou virais podem ser transmitidas por mosquitos, recomendando-se o uso de repelentes cutâneos e de roupas adaptados aos trópicos.
Risco de paludismo na sua forma menor (vivax) em certas zonas mais afastadas do Village, não sendo necessário fazer profilaxia com medicamentos.
O cidadão português deverá fazer-se acompanhar de um passaporte válido. A validade do mesmo deverá ir até 6 meses após a data de
regresso. As viagens por motivos de turismo não necesitam de visto.
40 880
Transfer de/para:
Zihuatanejo airport: 30m
Ainda tem 1000 questões?
O folheto do resort contém todas as informações necessárias para planejar tuas férias.
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